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Dan Agbor, Senior Partner, Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie

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We write to commiserate with Rob Legh’s family, and with Bowmans, on Rob’s untimely passing yesterday.  Yes, it is your loss, but it is also ours, and we feel it keenly because this is Rob.  Rob who, as Chairman and Senior Partner of Bowmans, embraced the vision of Bowmans as an Africa-wide firm and proselytized the cause.  We liked Rob.  He was calm, thoughtful, completely unassuming and worked hard to establish a relationship of mutual respect, trust, and confidence between our respective firms.  Rob was also the life of the party and although he was a very serious person, and looked the part, he refused to take himself too seriously.  Yinka and I will never forget seeing Rob (Bowmans’ Chairman and Senior Partner!) doing a back spin on the floor, at the tail end of one of the evening dinners (aka: parties) during a Partners Conference a few years ago.  It completely humanised him in our eyes and the partners of Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, as well as the firm’s founders, will miss him. 

We pray for the peaceful repose of Rob’s soul and that th​e family, friends, and law firm that he left behind will continue to enjoy good health, prosper, and to move forward in a manner that would have made him proud.